August 23, 2011

Fill Seat of Rep. Larson, D Dist 3.2 - Heineberg Center 9/14/11 @ 7PM.


The 3-2 Representative District Committee of the Burlington City Democratic Party is holding a meeting to vote for candidates to recommend to Governor Peter Shumlin to fill the House of Representatives vacancy created by Representative Mark Larson's resignation.

Any resident of Legislative District 3.02 who is  interested in being recommended to the Governor to fill Rep. Larson's term by the Representative District Committee of the Burlington City Democrats must:
  1. send Greg Jenkins a brief statement, including name, physical address and statement why you are interested in filling the position in advance of the meeting; and
  2. Appear in person at the meeting to give a brief oral statement regarding your interest and answer questions from the members of the Representative District Committee.
The Representative District Committee will hold the meeting at 7:00 on Wednesday September 14, 2011 at the Heineberg Community Center, located at 72 Heineberg Road, Burlington, VT.
The Representative District Committee will recommend to the Governor up to three names.
If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact Greg Jenkins at 802-355-4562

Interest thus far:
David Berezniak, Jim Couture, Carmen George, David Lines, Kate Neubauer, Jean O'Sullivan.

Contact persons for more information:
    Greg Jenkins
    Brooks McArthur 
    Seven Days, Shay Totten