The 3-2 Representative District Committee of the Burlington City Democratic Party is holding a meeting to vote for candidates to recommend to Governor Peter Shumlin to fill the House of Representatives vacancy created by Representative Mark Larson's resignation.
- send Greg Jenkins gregjenkins@burlingtontelecom.net a brief statement, including name, physical address and statement why you are interested in filling the position in advance of the meeting; and
- Appear in person at the meeting to give a brief oral statement regarding your interest and answer questions from the members of the Representative District Committee.
Interest thus far:
David Berezniak, Jim Couture, Carmen George, David Lines, Kate Neubauer, Jean O'Sullivan.
Contact persons for more information:
Greg Jenkins gregjenkins@burlingtontelecom.net
Brooks McArthur bmcarthur@jarvisandkaplan.com
Seven Days, Shay Totten