In the last election for governor and legislature, [New] North End voter turnout was the highest percentage in the city - 75% ward 4 and 72% ward 7.
New registrations are pouring in to city hall. Burlington is going to break all records, and we're going to be challenged to maintain our first place tradition!
Some factors in our favor: we have challengers in both Legislative races, the race for Governor is packed with critical issues, and there are clear choices for voters. We've had an active non-partisan voter campaign (CELEBRATE DEMOCRACY --VOTE) with a table at the shopping center and wide distribution of candidate and voter information. The VOTE banner will be out in front of St. Mark's on the Avenue on Election Day.
Call the City Clerk's office with any questions about where, when or how to vote: 865-7000. And between now and Nov 2, flash the V sign to everyone you meet: V for VOTE! North End Voters InSpired!